Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

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Inscription : 28 sept. 2008, 14:50
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Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par Ecthelion »

Bonjour, je rencontre à un nouveau un problème quant au lancement du jeu sur mon Mac PowerPC (V. 10.4.11). L'application refuse de se lancer, soit j'ai un message d'erreur "Vous ne pouvez pas ouvrir l'application "elc" car elle est peut-être endommagée ou incomplète" soit il ne se passe absolument rien...

J'ai réinstallé le jeu, redémarrer l'ordi' à plusieurs reprises, mais non, rien...

Je précise que le jeu tournait parfaitement sur la précédente version si ce n'est que certains raccourcis ne fonctionnaient pas.

Est-ce que quelqu'un connaît la source du problème ?


Messages : 178
Inscription : 30 janv. 2010, 19:34

Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par lao »

J'ai le même problème, sur mac mini G4 (powerPC) en 10.4.11,
il ne se passe rien au lancement du jeux, l'icone elc clignote une fois et c'est tout.

Par contre sur mac mini core2duo (intel) en 10.5.8, j'accède à Nom et code et quand
je clique sur connexion, le jeux quitte.
Si j'essaye Nouveau personnage, j'attends les 15 secondes, et quand je clique sur
"j'accepte" le jeux quitte aussi.

La version d'avant fonctionnait encore hier soir avant la mise à jour.

( En attendant, j'ai démarré en mode windows XP via Bootcamp avec la version full package )


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Inscription : 15 avr. 2006, 10:23
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par trinita »

vous avez essayer de supprimer le dossier
"Bibliothéque/Application Support/landes eternelles"

Attention, vous perdrez toutes les stats et historiques !


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Inscription : 15 avr. 2006, 10:23
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par trinita »

Essayer aussi de lancer l'application console dans
il y aura peut-être des logs !


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" Le bon sens est la qualité la moins partagée de ce monde " Jean-Pierre TROLL

Messages : 178
Inscription : 30 janv. 2010, 19:34

Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par lao »

Oui, j'ai supprimé le dossier LE dans Application Support plusieurs fois
et j'ai redémarré, mais aucun changement, le jeux quitte après le clique de connexion.

J'ai un fichier error_Log dans le dossier Application Support, veux tu que je le poste sur le forum ?
( il est très long )

J'ai ouvert la console, mais je n'ai rien vu qui ressemblait à LE.
( Je n'utilise jamais la console, c'est trop compliqué pour moi :oops: )


Messages : 92
Inscription : 28 sept. 2008, 14:50
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par Ecthelion »

J'ai supprimé l'Application Support aussi plusieurs fois.

Pour le console, j'y connais pas grand chose aussi, mais ça m'affiche ça :

Apr 24 22:02:23 imac-de-apple crashdump[292]: elc crashed
Apr 24 22:02:23 imac-de-apple crashdump[292]: crash report written to: /Users/*********/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/elc.crash.log

Dans le fichier elc.crash.log :

Host Name: imac-de-apple
Date/Time: 2010-04-24 22:02:22.806 +0200
OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
Report Version: 4

Command: elc
Path: /Users/*********/Desktop/
Parent: WindowServer [55]

Version: ??? (???)

PID: 291
Thread: Unknown

Link (dyld) error:

Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/*******/Desktop/
Reason: Incompatible library version: elc requires version 7.0.0 or later, but libiconv.2.dylib provides version 5.0.0

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Inscription : 15 avr. 2006, 10:23
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par trinita »

avec ces dernieres informations j'ai une piste je regarde demain sans faute. je vous tiendrai informé par le biais de se post.

Merci de votre patience et désolé pour les désagréments :p


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" Le bon sens est la qualité la moins partagée de ce monde " Jean-Pierre TROLL

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Inscription : 15 avr. 2006, 10:23
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par trinita »

Si un de vous peut tester cette version :

Attention pour gagner du temps j'ai viré tous les sons :)


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" Le bon sens est la qualité la moins partagée de ce monde " Jean-Pierre TROLL

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Inscription : 15 avr. 2006, 10:23
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par trinita »

en relisant le post j'ai l'impression qu'il faut que je compiles une version spéciale 10.4.x Tiger c'est chose faite :

Merci de me tenir informer, je vous ferai si nécessaire un pack complet avec les sons :)


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" Le bon sens est la qualité la moins partagée de ce monde " Jean-Pierre TROLL

Messages : 178
Inscription : 30 janv. 2010, 19:34

Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par lao »

Bonjour, j'ai pris ta première version,
elle fonctionne sur mac (intel) en 10.5.8,
mais pas sur mac (powerPC) en 10.4.11.

Je vais télécharger ta 2eme version pour l'essayer en 10.4.11.

EDIT de 12h59

La version (la 2éme proposé) se lance
sur PowerPC et Intel, j'ai les animaux, les joueurs, la carte,
mais aucun bâtiments.
(le premier lancement sur PowerPC à échoué, j'ai retéchargé et relancé l'ordi
pour avoir la page d'accueil du jeux)

J'attends l'avis de Ecthelion avant de faire d'autres tests....


Messages : 92
Inscription : 28 sept. 2008, 14:50
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par Ecthelion »

Bonjour, alors toujours le même message d'erreur concernant le premier lien, sur PowerPC.

Pour la version Tiger, le jeu fonctionne mais pareil, les objets 3D ne s'affichent pas.

Enfin ça fonctionne ^^ merci !

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Messages : 2722
Inscription : 15 avr. 2006, 10:23
Localisation : Charente - France
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par trinita »

Bon on avance je vais regarder pour les objets 3D y a eu du changement le codes


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" Le bon sens est la qualité la moins partagée de ce monde " Jean-Pierre TROLL

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Messages : 2722
Inscription : 15 avr. 2006, 10:23
Localisation : Charente - France
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par trinita »

je pourrai avoir le contenu de vos error_log.txt ?


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" Le bon sens est la qualité la moins partagée de ce monde " Jean-Pierre TROLL

Messages : 92
Inscription : 28 sept. 2008, 14:50
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par Ecthelion »

Log started at 2009-06-20 19:08:17 localtime (CEST)

[19:08:17] Using the server profile: main
[19:08:18] Window size adjusted to 1270x745
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_multitexture extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_point_sprite extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_texture_compression extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_shadow extension, not using it...
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] Couldn't find the GL_EXT_framebuffer_object extension, not using it...
[19:08:19] GL_EXT_draw_range_elements extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extension, not using it...
[19:08:19] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_fragment_program extension, not using it...
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_vertex_program extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_fragment_shader extension, not using it...
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_vertex_shader extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_shader_objects extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_shading_language_100 extension found, using it.
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat extension found, NOT using it...
[19:08:19] GL_ARB_texture_rectangle extension found, NOT using it...
[19:08:19] GL_EXT_fog_coord extension found, NOT using it...
[19:08:19] Couldn't find the GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc extension, not using it...
[19:08:19] Couldn't find the GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc extension, not using it...
[19:08:19] Your graphic card supports the absolute minimum requirements for the next EL release, but don't expect that you can use all features.
[19:08:22] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: human female
[19:08:23] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: human male
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:24] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: elf male
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:25] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf female
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:26] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: dwarf male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome female
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:28] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: gnome male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan female
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:29] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: orchan male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni female
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow In) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:30] Unknown sound (Cross Bow Fire Out) in actor def: draegoni male
[19:08:35] * server filename
[19:08:35] Downloading from
[19:08:35] Finished downloading
[19:08:35] Error: Can't open file "alias.ini"
[19:08:41] Language changed, was [fr] now [fr]
[19:14:22] Error: Can't open file "spells_silverthern.dat"
[19:28:21] Too much commands in the queue for actor 350 (CanCowgirl èBoC) => resync!
[19:28:21] 0th command in the queue: 25
[19:28:21] 1th command in the queue: 26
[19:28:21] 2th command in the queue: 26
[19:28:21] 3th command in the queue: 26
[19:28:21] 4th command in the queue: 27
[19:28:21] 5th command in the queue: 25
[19:28:21] 6th command in the queue: 25
[19:28:21] 7th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 8th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 9th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 10th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 11th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 12th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 13th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 14th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 15th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 16th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 17th command in the queue: 24
[19:28:21] 18th command in the queue: 23
[19:28:21] 19th command in the queue: 0
[19:28:21] Unable to add command 23 - 350
[19:28:21] Unable to add command 22 - 350
Last message repeated 2 times
[19:28:21] Unable to add command 23 - 350
[19:28:21] Unable to add command 22 - 350
[19:28:21] Unable to add command 23 - 350
[19:28:21] Unable to add command 23 - 458
[19:34:25] Too much commands in the queue for actor 583 (giorgosgr) => resync!
[19:34:25] 0th command in the queue: 25
[19:34:25] 1th command in the queue: 26
[19:34:25] 2th command in the queue: 26
[19:34:25] 3th command in the queue: 26
[19:34:25] 4th command in the queue: 27
[19:34:25] 5th command in the queue: 25
[19:34:25] 6th command in the queue: 25
[19:34:25] 7th command in the queue: 25
[19:34:25] 8th command in the queue: 25
[19:34:25] 9th command in the queue: 25
[19:34:25] 10th command in the queue: 25
[19:34:25] 11th command in the queue: 24
[19:34:25] 12th command in the queue: 25
[19:34:25] 13th command in the queue: 24
[19:34:25] 14th command in the queue: 24
[19:34:25] 15th command in the queue: 21
[19:34:25] 16th command in the queue: 21
[19:34:25] 17th command in the queue: 21
[19:34:25] 18th command in the queue: 24
[19:34:25] 19th command in the queue: 0
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 24 - 583
Last message repeated 1 time
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 23 - 583
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 24 - 569
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 23 - 583
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 24 - 569
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 23 - 583
Last message repeated 1 time
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 23 - 569
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 23 - 583
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 23 - 569
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 22 - 583
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 23 - 569
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 22 - 583
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 23 - 569
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 22 - 583
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 23 - 569
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 22 - 583
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 24 - 569
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 22 - 583
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 24 - 569
[19:34:25] Unable to add command 22 - 583
[20:01:57] Client closed

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Messages : 2722
Inscription : 15 avr. 2006, 10:23
Localisation : Charente - France
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par trinita »

je penche sur un soucis de droit sur le app .... je tests avec Lao


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" Le bon sens est la qualité la moins partagée de ce monde " Jean-Pierre TROLL

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Inscription : 28 sept. 2008, 14:50
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par Ecthelion »

Erf, trompé de fichier :(

Messages : 92
Inscription : 28 sept. 2008, 14:50
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Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par Ecthelion »

Génial, ça marche ! Et les raccourcis dans la barre des sorts aussi ;) Merci beaucoup. :D

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Messages : 13
Inscription : 29 août 2009, 21:11

Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par Yoluk »

Ayant eu aussi des problèmes avec la nouvelle version, je tiens à remercier les développeurs pour le temps qu'ils passent à réparer tous les bugs afin de satisfaire la demande des joueurs. 8)
En bref : Merci beaucoup pour cette nouvelle version. :D
Heu, en fait, la version ne marche pas pour moi... je teste sans sons
Marche pas non plus, je joins le message de la console pour la version Tiger :

Last login: Sun Apr 25 17:14:43 on ttyp1
/Applications/; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
Ordinateur-de-*************:~ imac3$ /Applications/; exit
dyld: Symbol not found: ___stack_chk_guard
Referenced from: /Applications/
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

Trace/BPT trap
[Opération terminée]
Dernière modification par Yoluk le 25 avr. 2010, 18:22, modifié 1 fois.
................«·´¨*·.¸¸.* Yoluk *.¸¸.·*¨`·»................
.............«·´¨*·.¸¸.* Haut-Elfe *.¸¸.·*¨`·».............
.............«·´¨* Mage, Adepte de l'Air*¨`·».............
................«·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`·»................

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 2722
Inscription : 15 avr. 2006, 10:23
Localisation : Charente - France
Contact :

Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par trinita »

Yoluk tu as quoi :

* comme version de macos ?
* comme type de machine powerpc ou intel ?

As-tu téléchargé la version cet aprem après 12H ? (j'ai effectué une correction importante.)


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" Le bon sens est la qualité la moins partagée de ce monde " Jean-Pierre TROLL

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 13
Inscription : 29 août 2009, 21:11

Re: Lancement du jeu impossible depuis la dernière mise à jour.

Message par Yoluk »

Alors :

* Mac OS X - Version 10.4.11 -> Un Tiger, en fait
* Processeur : 2 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo

Et je l'ai téléchargé après 12 h, oui
................«·´¨*·.¸¸.* Yoluk *.¸¸.·*¨`·»................
.............«·´¨*·.¸¸.* Haut-Elfe *.¸¸.·*¨`·».............
.............«·´¨* Mage, Adepte de l'Air*¨`·».............
................«·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`·»................
