PK Idea

Messages : 71
Inscription : 07 oct. 2020, 22:15

PK Idea

Message par Aveeno »


For the past couple months I started to PK ingame since I enjoy it. About a week ago some pro player wanted to fight me (Top 3, in #classement_pvp). We wanted to fight without ancou. Though there is no way to know if the other player has an ancou or not.

That being said, i do like the idea of Ancous, players who work hard for there items can save them upon death, which is only fair.

I'm aware some players will say no right away, just for the mere fact that they are not interested or I have killed them in the past. Though whenever I die I will lose my items aswell, wouldn't you like to see that? :o

I realized alot of higher level players just play for experience. It's like a race on who can level the quickest, or get the most total levels. While there is nothing wrong with that, not everybody's play style is similar. They partially achieve that through no loss of items, since they don't need to waste time to re-acquire them. Although at the same time, it's devaluing the items since more and more players are getting them and hence they are not needed, such as dragon scales.

Is it possible to have a map or an arena where Ancous don't work even if you have one on you? So if it was in your inventory there would be a chance to lose it too?

It can be multi or non-multi.. so meaning only 1 player can attack you a time, or multiple.
If there was a map where you would lose your items, to encourage players to go, you can make a high risk high reward system.. such as having x3 giants on the map (Which doesn't exist anywhere ingame).

An idea like this would allow players to risk during fights if they wish too. Both parties can always risk losing items if they went to the map at there own will.

Cheers :)

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Messages : 1096
Inscription : 05 mai 2007, 08:56

Re: PK Idea

Message par Flovixy »

I think you make a good "résumé" of the actual system. Most of people which are going in PK zones are just looking for maximising their experience.
Making a special place where Ancous are not impacting the death can be easily added, in a map or arena like u suggest.
According new monster spots with high risk high reward system, it's already the case with all x3 spawns which are all in PK.
I would like to know what's people thoughts about creating for example : x4 spawns of monsters where Ancou doesn't work ?
Will they go there or not ?
Eldorian au grand coeur
Maniant l’Épée et les Runes
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Messages : 71
Inscription : 07 oct. 2020, 22:15

Re: PK Idea

Message par Aveeno »

I'm aware that a map without ancou is possible. Although there needs to be an initiate to go to the map to begin with. I think if it had something like x4 giants, or possible a boss that spawns every 30 mins to an hour, and drops x amount of items/lumens. players would go, because they are high risk high reward, and they take a long time to respawn to begin with.

People will go if a x4 spawn is added depending on the mob and only at certain times. Issue is that if they don't go to x3 with ancou, why go to x4 without? Or maybe they are already too many spawns and options? :p

My other suggestion would be to put future special mobs that directly impact the game such as dragons in a no ancou area first. To encourage PK, and allow players to work as a team together. Players would be encouraged to work as a group since they wouldn't want the risk of being attacked trying to do it as a duo.

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Messages : 10248
Inscription : 05 juin 2017, 18:20

Re: PK Idea

Message par Crowley »

New high reward areas are not on our planning, but we can make some of the maps "ancou free" if you tell us wich ones
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Messages : 1096
Inscription : 05 mai 2007, 08:56

Re: PK Idea

Message par Flovixy »

Ancous have been introduced to allow people going in PK without loosing the items they made weeks, months to get.
I'm not against the fact of creating new places where Ancous don't work but if the reward is similar, why whould I go ?
All high level training areas are already PKs, if I want to continue progressing my A/D, my only choice is to risk my items every time. (or having an Ancou)

If some existing places become "Ancous free", we should have as well no PKs places. Sometimes, I want to "chill" training without being 200% focused cause of PKs map but I can't.
Everyone should have the choice to go in PK or not. (even if "no PK spots" are less interesting, they should exist)
Eldorian au grand coeur
Maniant l’Épée et les Runes
Libre comme le Vent.

Messages : 71
Inscription : 07 oct. 2020, 22:15

Re: PK Idea

Message par Aveeno »

As far as I'm aware Sindy they are multiple high-end creature spawns that are PK free. I often see higher caliber players that fight alongside you at those locations. I believe you choose to go the PK area just for maximum experience possible, even then, the area is protected with ancou, it is not ancou free. Also I don't think anyone has ever tried to PK you at x location assuming we are thinking about the same area.

Even me when I train a/d or magic, it's in PK all the time, so i have to be 200% focused and I'm far weaker than you are. Especially since I go around trying to kill players, I'm sure they would like to do the same to me.

Llaria, my suggestion would be to make Egratia Point ancou free for the time being. Since it's the highest level boss in the game, players who want a bit more experience would venture there. Nobody will go to an area to fight since they are no high reward systems in game right now. That map draws in multiple players to try and PK. Nobody is forced to do the Ancient Giant and risk items, but if they wish to not risk items and use Ancou they can do the Hulda boss, or even so Ganal which is not in PK.

There is an overstock of special items and regular items in the game. Dragon armor is 1/2 the price it was now compared to when I first started. I'm aware some players might not want it, but as far as i see, it's usually 1 or 2 players who try to PK at EP, while they are 6-8 players trying to kill them. You're telling me those 2 players have more resources and items than those 8? Lol.

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Messages : 10248
Inscription : 05 juin 2017, 18:20

Re: PK Idea

Message par Crowley »

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