Does perception not already increase visibility? Maybe the area you are training in is always dark, or because it's "night" outside & inside & not "daytime" so it's harder to see? I'm fine with perception how it is.
As for magic immunity and perception, I'm totally against the idea. This sounds like a nerf for magic, instead of a balance. Literally in the past month there has been 3 threads to slightly make magic a bit more viable and balanced like other skills. (Put the links below) ... 66&t=35356 ... 66&t=35366 ... 66&t=35468
From my understanding, this is how magic works:
- Increase your level in magic = stronger spells, BUT also other players damage you for less, and higher chance to dodge!
- The higher perception you have the higher chance you dodge a magic attack aswell.
- There is already a spell called magic resistance, which decreases damage say by 10.. (Don't forget magic damage in pvp is already halved,
BUT necro and A/D is not (Nice logic) and cost 1 magic essence and like 8 mana. Combine that with armor that gives magic resistance, red and black.. and a mage is useless, not that they were viable to begin with.
Now.. lets move on to perception itself..
This is how perception is calculated for a mage that deals damage, im sure everyone is aware of manavore robes. (Anyone wearing these robes benefit)
What you are suggesting Minoth would literally negate everything and then SOME that the robes would offer.
Now let us see a typical build of an A/D fighter and how much perception they would have? Here's a screenshot of a fighter not private stats, but I blocked out the name.
They already have 22 perception.. and 100+ magic, magic is easy to get because all creatures above demon lapin pretty much have mana, so you drain unlimited.
Perception.. oh perception my good friend, where have you been? Let us see the past 2-3 updates that happened in regards of perception & magic, since it is the topic of the thread.
"On the other hand, the most powerful spells in magic (shock wave, earthquake and area healing) now require a Master nexus."
so yeah, 2 more pick points now if you want to do these spells.
"Mine: 10 classic damage + bonus related to engineering level and reactivity"
What gives perception, but also reactivity? Instinct. What does every fighter have? Reactivity & instinct at higher levels. (You know.. AGILITY
) Fighter is clearly the most dominate and superior style on LE. That was w/o the mines and the extra damage they offer, but to make them even greater & stronger makes 0 sense to me. We must be very careful and try to keep things balanced.
Speaking of balance, always willing to offer my services or testing if need be
Therefore, it sounds to me like this can be an issue of getting higher magic? I understand it is the least profitable vs A/D & Necro. Though everything takes time. But, on a real note.. I would suggest training with helmet of life or crown of life. (Would negate any death (other than necro), yes it's costly but it's the price you pay for being at a good spawn, most PK spawns are x3 or really small) I feel as though this thread only appeared after the vision medallion took a hit. I don't understand how scary dragash or Kramak can be since they don't catch me doing A/D. But all i know is that i've heard stories.. and if you think magic is strong? Wait until you see Necro.